TP-Link WDR3600 – no information available

Posted: 10th December 2012 by knoppi in Computer Stuff, Linux
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I just received (after several weeks) an answer from the TP-Link support. My question was:

Ich habe inzwischen gesehen, daß auf dem Router eine Art USB-over-IP-Server läuft. Mit dem Standard-Ubuntu usbip läßt sich dieser jedoch nicht ansprechen.
Ist es möglich zu erfahren, welcher Server läuft und ob und wie dieser von Linux aus angesprochen werden kann?

in english:

In the meantime I found out that on the router there is running a kind of USB-over-IP server. With the usbip delivered on standard ubuntu installations I cannot address it. Is it possible to know which server is installed and if there is a client for Linux?

Easy question, I think. But I was not sure if the were allowed to tell me a satisfactory answer. If it was, e.g., a closed source server, I never might get to the point. The actual answer still was surprising:

Leider muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass die angeforderten Informationen nicht zur Verfügung stehen. Aus diesem Grund können wir Ihnen diese Informationen leider nicht zukommen lassen.

in english:

Unfortunately I have to inform you that the requested information is not available. Because of that we cannot tell you the information.

Not available, humm? To whom? Does it mean they don’t know what they installed? Probably not. For some reason they are not able to tell it to me. Unfortunately, I have to admit that without this information I can give no further advice how to use the attached printer from within Linux, and, additionally, that makes it rather useless in my flat where all the computers primarily run Linux.

  1. Grzegorz says:

    I’m have identycal anserw. I do not have any solution at the moment.

  2. […] For the history leading to this post, read TP-Link WDR3600: Router! Print-Server? and TP-Link WDR3600 – no information available. […]