
By knoppi

This is mainly a collection of links I want to have a look at. May future posts originate from here. Who knows. This page, however, is subjected to a permanent process of changes.

All about data, internet…
Measurement Lab (M-Lab) is an open, distributed server platform for researchers to deploy Internet measurement tools. The goal of M-Lab is to advance network research and empower the public with useful information about their broadband connections. By enhancing Internet transparency, M-Lab helps sustain a healthy, innovative Internet.
Helping me with my router
Looks like a way to go with my router / print server problem
A public access to the german national finances
Same for Greece, unfortunately on greek language
Python and co
How to create sketch-XKCD-style diagrams in matplotlib
Free software
Free software day instead of Valentine’s day
SSD Optimization
“a complete how-to for optimizing your SSD for Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian”
Unix Toolbox
“collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands”
Linux Commands
“linux command line reference for common operations”
All you need to leard to start a linux career
“list of linux administration skills”
OpenSource Replacements for professional software
Wine improvements
7 Apps To Help You Run Windows Programs On Another OS
Hacking, hacking, hacking
10 Free Hacking Tutorials
Part of Open Source without programming skills
How can you be part of the open source movement without contributing by programming? Examples are writing documentation, translating etc.
10 stupid Linux command
List of topten command to do harm to your linux system, rm -Rf / is just the start.