Archive for March, 2015

Hands on…

Posted: 28th March 2015 by knoppi in Computer Stuff, Linux, Mobile
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Last friday, I received a long expected package. The unpacking revealed this: [Show as slideshow] If you want to know more about the contents, keep reading.

Yesterday, I published an article about majordomo and my conclusion of nut using it, since the version my webhoster provides does not support archives and digest functionality. But do I need it actually? I think that the mailing lists will have only a very limited number of users and, hence, only a small amount of […]

A major domus

Posted: 18th March 2015 by knoppi in Computer Stuff, Linux
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For several projects I recently felt the urge to dive into the world of mailing lists. Since I prefer having full control over such things rathern than delegating them somewhere, my first step was looking into my own webhosting package. It includes the the possibility to set up majordomo-mailinglists – I don’t know the exact […]